Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Increase Productivity and Eliminate Hassle by Outsourcing Telemarketing to an Off-Shore Call Center

Increase Productivity and Eliminate Hassle by Outsourcing Telemarketing to an Off-Shore Call Center

If you are a business owner then you know how utterly exhausting and frustrating telemarketing can be—and not just making call after call and getting hung up on time and time again, but managing the entire enterprise of telemarketing. It can be a strain on your resources, manpower, and office morale. Nobody enjoys cold calling and nobody enjoy spending hours following up on dead-end leads.

That is, nobody enjoys those tasks unless they're trained in tried-and-true methods that will increase the occurrence of productive calls and reduce the occurrence of frustration.

We'll bet you didn't know that people like that existed.

Welcome to ZDH Sales. There's a reason why we've put "Sales" in our name—it's who we are, it's what we do, and it's what we're most proud of…and good at!

Outsource your telemarketing to our off-shore call center and you'll find that not only are more calls being made, more people being reached, more leads being generated, and more sales being closed, but that the people behind the calls (that is, us and your customers) are happy, calm, and satisfied.

We offer our telemarketing agents a rigorous training program in which they learn the ins and outs of telemarketing, client retention, sales, and appointment scheduling. Perhaps more important that the actual hands-on training, however, is the training we carry out in the area of customer service—how to speak with people, how to keep our calm (and theirs), and how to truly connect and communicate with the person on the other end of the line.

We're not just sales people…we're people people, which makes our job—which is essentially speaking to people all day—pleasant and enjoyable.

If you don't feel the same way about spending the day (and night, as the case often is with us) on the phone, then outsource your telemarketing to a group of professionals who will treat the task of telemarketing as a positive and enjoyable endeavor. You'll see that with a positive approach, you'll reap a more positive result—more sales and happier clients.

Get in touch with us and start your happier telemarketing campaign today!

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